Mar 20, 2010

March 20, 2010

I'm writing this report coming off one of the toughest trips I've fished in a long time. The problem is that now the fishing good and had been good all week. It just so happened, that it wasn't good for me yesterday. I thought I had a good game plan in place and though the weather wasn't going to be ideal, I was going to catch the easy fish first(trout- lady fish etc.) and then move on to sight fishing. I had a very good angler on the boat. He can put the fly were it needs to be, when it needs to be there. We were shooting film for T.V and needed to catch some fish. So much for the game plan. The first three trout stops we didn't even get a take. The wind was starting to blow and the dirty water from the Gulf was flooding in, turning everything to a milky mess. I ran to find clean water and fortunately was able to catch a few small trout and lady fish but it used up our time to go sight fishing. To make matters worse I got a call a few hours later telling me that the Redfish were eating the bottom out of the boat at one of the spots I would of gone sight fishing. What can you do? I take a lot of pride in being able to produce fish or at least shots at fish when things are tough but I took it on the chin yesterday and ate a big peice of humble pie.
Enough of that. What you want to know is whats biting and where.
There are a lot more Redfish around now. We haven't been able to fish the open flats because of the wind but still are finding lots Redfish. The fish are schooled up and very spooky. I'm sure as soon as we can fish them out in the open, we will find fish spread out which makes the best sight fishing. I want to say that that the trout fishing is on fire, but after yesterday I'm hesitant. Let's just say that it has been on fire and will probably be on fire starting tomorrow.
There has been some bait showing up at the sky way and the Spanish Mackerel are starting to move in. Were just starting to see some Pinfish on the flats. The forecast for next week has some 80 degree days so the Tarpon will be here soon. All in all the fishing is good except for yesterday.

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